Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Missed Connection Success

Do "missed connections" ever turn into actual connections?  This is a question that provoked me to create Missed Connections Live, an original web series inspired by Missed Connections on Craigslist.  Thousands of people write Missed Connections entries on Craigslist, but why?  Are they too shy to act in the moment of that initial spark?  Do they actually think that the subject of the missed connection will read their entry?  Are the entries even real?

A couple of weeks ago, I was reading through Craigslist in order to select new material for my series.  I came across an entry that really touched me.  It was so honest, sweet and sincere.  It made me smile.  I ended up contacting the young woman who wrote the entry to let her know about my series and to ask if she was interested in becoming immortalized on the (very) small screen.  She was thrilled I contacted her and excited to see the results.  I was grateful she jumped on board, and the icing on the cake...the man who she wrote the missed connection about actually contacted her!  They corresponded via email for a brief while but lost touch.  The young woman was convinced it was something she said and let the possibility go of maintaining a relationship....Until now!  Turns out, the gentleman hadn't received her email response.  They've started corresponding again and she sent him the link to my episode.  Though I don't think I am at all responsible for their reunion, I like to think that I've helped in some way!

I guess missed connections can work after all.

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